Kathi Burt Kathi Burt

What Can We Do to Tip Our World Towards Love?

On a podcast with Brené Brown, Dr. Vivek Murthy stated that Love and Fear are two primary emotions for us and I agree, especially in today’s world. So what can we do to move our world away from fear and more towards love?

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Kathi Burt Kathi Burt

The Parable of the Long Spoons

I recently heard the Parable of the Long Spoons on a podcast with Brené Brown and David Kessler. I just loved it so much I wanted to share it.

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Kathi Burt Kathi Burt

“Feminine” Leadership Skills

It seems that over the past few years I’ve seen a shift occurring. I’ve seen more women leaning into their “feminine” sides, to their natural leadership skills.

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