What Can We Do to Tip Our World Towards Love?


This is a question I heard stated in a recent podcast with Brené Brown and Dr. Vivek Murthy. Dr. Murthy stated that Love and Fear are two primary emotions for us and I agree, especially in today’s world. So what can we do to move our world away from fear and more towards love?

Dr. Murthy went on to say

“There is nothing more powerful than love in terms of its ability to heal. There’s nothing that I have written a prescription for that eclipses what love can do in the face of injury, trauma, and pain. And the most clear way to feel love is thru relationships.”

I believe at our core we all need to be seen and loved for who we are. But if we can’t see and love ourselves it’s difficult to do the same for others. We have to say yes to ourselves first.

Say yes to yourself. Love yourself and all your imperfections. Embrace your perfectly flawed humanity and allow that to be your source of peace. There is something amazing about your flaws. If you stop and think about what you love most about your friends, it’s usually their imperfections.

What’s beautiful about your flaws?

It’s hard sometimes to be human.

There is a living love that exceeds our circumstances and our conditioning. That’s the truth we all must find. The profound problems of hatred, judgment, [racism,] and revenge, our jealousies, and our violence, will be solved by love, and love alone.

You can listen to the full podcast here.


The Parable of the Long Spoons