The Parable of the Long Spoons

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Have you heard of the Parable of the long spoons? I heard it recently on a podcast with Brene Brown and David Kessler. It’s a parable of this man who is brought into this long dining room with a long table filled with delicious food. He smells this amazing food and as he looks around he sees that everyone has these long spoons to eat with. As he looks around further, he sees that all the people are gaunt and starving. As it turns out, the spoons are a few feet long, so long that they cannot bring them to their mouth to feed themselves. He is told this is Hell. He is then taken into another hall where everyone is happy and festive and eating and enjoying themselves. They have the same long table and delicious food and those same long spoons. But this time everyone is feeding each other. And he is told this is Heaven. Isn’t this a great visual!! I just loved it and wanted to share it.

I loved it so much that it has motivated me to find ways to help others in my community. One of the things I am doing is offering free coaching sessions through the end of June 2020. Reach out to me for more information via my email or website, and I look forward to connecting with you.


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